Advanced Tips and Tricks

Importing References from Bibtex

If you have the package bibtexparser installed then you will have access in the admin panel to an “Upload Bibtex” button. This feature will upload a bibtex file, scan it for fields that django-citations supports and save new records.

The bibtexparser package is provided under the LGPL.

Including a complete bibliography

As of version 0.3, you can include a complete bibliography by using the show_all_references template tag. This looks like the following:

{% load citation_tags %}


{% show_all_references %}

Loading templates from database

Sometimes you want to load the text including citations from the database. In this case, you can add a property to your model which builds the text into a template. This could look something like this:

from django.template import Template, Context

class MyModel(models.Model):
    body = models.TextField()

    def get_rendered_body(self):
        tpl = Template("{% load citation_tags %}" + self.body + "{% show_references reference_list %}")
        ctx = Context()
        return tpl.render(ctx)

    rendered_body = property(get_rendered_body)

This will include the text as well as a reference list at the bottom. Note that as the reference_list variable is located in the local template context then it is not available in the global template context - therefore you must include the reference list in the same template as the citations.

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